We just finished our 13th GONA! It was a week full of laughter, cultural teachings and making friends! It is an absolute blessing to be able to provide this strengths based culture camp for our Native Youth.

VOLUNTEERS – we will need dedicated adult volunteers at GONA, if interested complete a Volunteer Application (on faihp.org) and return to our front office by May 31st. Mandatory training and orientation will be scheduled for GONA Volunteers.


Gathering Of Native Americans 




This 5-day GONA is based on several ideas:

Community healing is necessary for substance abuse prevention. There will be a special emphasis on suicide prevention. Healthy traditions in the Native American community are key to effective prevention. The holistic approach to wellness is a traditional part of Native American belief systems. Every Youth is of value in empowering the community. The GONA is a safe place for Youth to share, heal, and plan for action. The GONA provides Native Youth with an indigenous framework to examine historical trauma, and its impact on substance abuse and suicidal behavior issues, with an emphasis on community empowerment

This event is sponsored by Fresno American Indian Health Project

Important Forms (Click to download)

2019 Youth GONA Registration Form_FAIHP

GONA Volunteer Packet_2019

GONA Logo Contest

Every year we have Native students participate in a logo design contest for GONA. The winning design is picked by the staff and community members and the winning youth receives a gift card. As part of winning the youth get to learn how to turn their work of art into a production quality artwork used in producing the shirts and giveaway items. The Social Media Coordinator helps the youth use graphic design software to create the vector art needed for production.

Designed by Jade G.

Designed by Catalina H.
Designed by Noah B.
Designed by Alexis B.
Designed by Victoria G.
 Designed Rachelle B.
Designed by Mike C.