Vision: A sustainable grassroots Wellbriety Movement that provides culturally based healing for the next seven generations of Indigenous people.
Mission: Disseminate culturally based principles, values, and teachings to support healthy community development and servant leadership, and to support healing from alcohol, substance abuse, co-occurring disorders, and intergenerational trauma.
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We are pleased to offer the Sacred Circle . Every Wednesday at 5:30-7:30pm.
Delaine Bill
Cultural Support Specialist
Delaine was born and raised in Dunlap, CA. He is the son of Lawrence and Barbara Bill. His father was a logger and his mother was a well-known basket maker. Delaine attended Dunlap schools and graduated from Reedley High School. Delaine also went to Kicking Horse Career Program in Montana, later in life he became a logger. Throughout the years, he always remembered how his parents would take groceries/wood to the people, especially the elderly.
Delaine would make different crafts alongside his grandmothers or his mom. He remembers them always working on something, from sun up to sun down, they were always busy.
“I remember my mother was always beading, making baskets, or shelling acorns. Everything was a process, she would gather, clean, and prepare them to make something. When I’m working on a drum or getting materials for clapper sticks, I think about my people and remember that they lived a much simpler time and life. I don’t want to forget who I am and where I come from.”
-Nume (people